Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 3 - Paris - Eiffel Tower

From Sainte-Chapelle we decided to walk past the Sorbonne and Saint-Michel's fountain on the way to tour the Pantheon.

The Sorbonne is one of Europe's most famous universities and this is its main square.

Saint-Michel's fountain.

After so much walking and sightseeing I needed a diet coke and to rest my feet for a few, so we decided to stop at McDonalds.  But unbeknownst to us the Pantheon was closing early because of the transit strike so when we arrived, they had stopped admitting people five minutes before.  Foiled again by the transit strike and my need for a diet coke!

After wallowing in our bad luck for the day, we decided to brave the super long line expected at the Eiffel Tower. 


The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889 by Gustave Eiffel for the World's Fair.  It is 1,063 feet tall.  While waiting in line or while Darren waited in line, I went and took a few more pictures. Thanks, Darren!


The line moved relatively quickly compared to what I expected.  We waited about 45 minutes to get up to the second level and then another 20 minutes for the "lift" to the top.  It was definitely worth the time to go up because the views were amazing even on such an overcast day!

The Louvre.

The Arc de Triomphe.

The Grand Palace.

And Notre Dame.

1 comment:

Jayna said...

Pierre Eiffel? Really? That's almost like a joke or something! ha ha!

And the pictures of the view are incredible!