Monday, April 2, 2012


Yes I'm still insanely behind but catching up pretty quickly!  This year Christmas was a bit different than we were all used to.  It was Heather and Marc's first married Christmas.

Emily and Jacob were MIA because this little one was on the way.

And it was my first Christmas with Darren too.

But somethings don't change.  There was tons of food as usual. Which led to a lot of family time in the kitcken.


And we had some welcome, yet uninvited guests.

And there were emotion inducing presents.  This is the flag that was over Papa's casket when he was buried.

And grin inducing presents. Bears beer steins and a UK jersey.


But one thing doesn't change.  The annual family picture!

We  also celebrated Christmas on New Year's Day with Darren's family.  I'm a bad blogger and only took one picture.  This one of Darren's sister Michelle and brother-in-law Jason.


Sarah said...

Yay! You are almost caught up!

Jayna said...

Catching up. Keep it up! =)